Gifted & Talented Therapy & Counseling

Understanding Giftedness & 

Unfortunately, gifted people are often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Their intensity, excitability, sensory processing styles, and advanced abilities can sometimes look like other things (i.e., ADHD, autism, anxiety). That's not to say those other things aren't present, but a person's neurodiversity must be taken into account for appropriate help to be provided.

Gifted Checklist

Giftedness can be tricky to discern. Is it anxiety or sensitivity? Or both (twice exceptionality)? Is it boredom or a learning disability? Is it burnout or a poor fit? Here are some tools to discern whether or not giftedness is at play:

You might be gifted if...

  • You have/had a large vocabulary and complex sentence structure for your age.
  • Longer attention span; but possibly inconsistent.
  • Intensity and sensitivity.
  • Wide range of interests.
  • Highly developed curiosity and limitless questions. Interest in experimenting and doing things differently.
  • Divergent thinking and a tendency to put ideas or things together in ways that are unusual, not obvious, and creative.
  • Able to learn basic skills more quickly, with less practice.
  • Largely teach yourself to read and write as preschoolers.
  • Able to retain much information; unusual memory. Had numerous imaginary playmates.
  • Unusual sense of humor.
  • Desire to organize people and things, primarily through devising complex games.

Gifted Strengths & Corresponding Difficulty

  • Inquisitive attitude / asks embarrassing questions.
  • Determined to complete tasks / strong-willed resistance to direction.
  • Seeks systems and strives for order / seen as bossy or domineering.
  • Creative and inventive / may disrupt plans of others.
  • Intense concentration / resist interruption; seen as stubborn.
  • High energy / frustration with inactivity.
  • Diverse interests / seen as scattered.
  • Strong sense of humor / humor may disrupt classroom or work.
  • Keen observer / sees inconsistencies and may become disillusioned.

My Expertise

I specialize in neurodivergent and gifted kids, adolescents, and adults.

  • Kids, teens, and adults
  • Giftedness and neurodivergence
  • Twice-exceptional
  • Anxiety
  • Autism
  • Boredom
  • Depression
  • Existential concerns
  • Emotional regulation
  • Life changes
Webb et al., 2016, p. 21-22

My Approach

I believe that effective therapy involves the mind and body – the experiential and the cognitive – and focuses on the past, present, and future.

My style blends candor with warmth, insight with empathy, and humor with compassion. I enjoy quick-witted conversations, existential ponderings, and geeking out over just about anything.

My practice affirms non-binary and LGBTQ+ people and the profound impacts of intergenerational racial trauma.


We all have strengths, and therapy too often only focuses on problems. I help you identify and leverage your strengths to bring lasting change into your daily life.


This focuses on the physical experience and helps those of us who are stuck in our heads get out of our heads. Very helpful for people who often try to outthink their problems.

Internal Family Systems

Think "Inside Out" the movie. I use the concept of us having parts-that-make-a-whole to rework old patterns and learn to better integrate your full experience.

Narrative Therapy

This is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with a creative overlay. It's considered "evidence-based" which means there is significant research supporting its effectiveness.

Message Me

Message me with questions! I am happy to help if I can. I also offer free 15 minute phone consults.